دیکشنری اصطلاحات خودرو BMW
دیکشنری اصطلاحات خودرو BMW

 اصطلاحات خودرو BMW

در بسیاری از موارد هنگام تعمیرات خودروی BMW به عباراتی برخورد می کنیم که تقریبا در خودروهای دیگر استفاده نمی شود و معنای آنرا نیز نمی دانیم . این مورد باعث سردرگمی تکنسین های خودرو می شود. در این قسمت سعی شده لغت نامه تخصصی خودروهای BMW به صورت کامل و مخفف گردآوری گردد. این عبارات به ترتیب حروف الفبا در زیر آمده است .


AAR - Automatic Air Recirculation.

AB - Airbag (airbag system).

ABL - Brake system warning Lamp.

ABS - Anti-lock Braking System.

AC - Air Conditioning.

ACC - Active Cruise Control.

ACS - Active Comfort Seats.

ACSM - Advanced Crash Safety Module.

ADB / ADB-X - Automatic Differential Braking.

ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistance System.

ADS - Engine intake air control.

ADV - Windshield wiper pressure control.

AEGS - Automatic Electronic Gearbox Control (also EGS).

AFM - Air Flow Meter.

AGD - Suction silencer.

AGR - Emission reduction.

AGS - Adaptive transmission control.

AG - Automatic Gearbox (transmission).

AHL - Adaptive Headlights.

AHK - Active rear-axle Kinematics.

AHK - Trailer hitch.

AHM - Trailer Module (not US models).

AHPS - Advanced HPS.

AIC - Automatic Interval Control (rain sensor).

AKF - Activated carbon canister.

AKS - Active head restraint.

AKS - Pressure regulating device.

ALC - Automatic Light Control.

ALR - Automatic Lamp Range Adjustment.

ALR - Automatic-locking retractors.

AMM - Air Mass Meter.

AMP - Radio system AMPlifier.

ARI - Car radio information system.

ARRB - Automatic Rear Roller Blind.

ARS - Active Roll Stabilization.

ASC - All Season traction.

ASC - Automatic Stability Control.

ASC-EZA - ASC w/ engine timing and injection intervention.

ASC+T - ASC+ Traction control.

ASK - Audio System controller (Kontroller).

ASR - Self starter block relay.

AST - Automatic Slip control (marketing term).

AST - All Season Traction.

AT - Antenna.

ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid.

ATL - Exhaust gas turbo charger.

AS - Active Steering.

AUC - Automatic air recirculation.

AUT - AUTomatic transmission.

AVT - Antenna amplifier Tuner.

AZD - Tightening torque specifications.

A/D - Analog/Digital.



B - Benzene (petrol, gasoline).

BAT - BATtery.

BC - Board Computer.

BC1 - Body Controller (#1).

BL - Brake Light.

BLS - Brake Light Switch.

BMBT - Board Monitor.

BMW - Bavarian Motor Works (Bayerische Motoren Werke).

BS - Block diagram.

BST - Battery Safety Terminal.

BVA - Brake pad wear indicator.

BZM - Center console control center.

BZMF - Center console control center, rear




CA - Comfort Access, also Client Advisor.

CAN - Controller Area Network (Multiple ECU Controller).

CAN-Bus - Controller Area Network (bus).

CANH-Bus - CAN bus, High.

CANL-Bus - CAN bus, Low.

CANP - Fuel tank ventilation valve.

CAS - Car Access System.

CBC - Corner Braking Control.

CBC - Cornering Brake Control.

CBS - Condition Based Service.

CCC - Car Communications Computer.

CCM - Check Control Module.

CD - Control Display.

CDC - Compact Disk Changer.

CDS - CD player.

CDV - Clutch Delay Valve.

CEL - CELsius.

CID - Central Information Display.

CIM - Chassis Integration Module.

CIP - Coding, Individualization, Programming.

CO - Carbon monOxide.

COMBI - Electronic Instrument Cluster.

CON - CONtroller.

CPO - Certified Pre-Owned.

CSL - Club Sport Lightweight (Club Sport Leicht).

CU - Copper.

CVM - Convertible top Module.

CVT - Constantly Variable Transmission.

CW - Drag coefficient.

CWP - Cold Weather Package



D-Bus - Diagnosis bus (same as TXD).

D1 - Xenon light/ gas discharge.

DBC - Dynamic Brake Control.

DBS - Dynamic Braking System.

DCC - Dynamic Cruise Control.

DCS - Dealer Communication System.

DD - Dynamic motor Drive.

DDE - Digital Diesel Electronics.

DE - Diagnostic Unit.

DIN - German industrial standards.

DIS - Diagnosis and Information System.

DISA - Differential air intake control.

DIVA - Continuously variable length intake runners.

DK - Throttle housing/valve.

DKB - Throttle w/ brake intervention.

DKE - Throttle Increase.

DKI - Throttle position.

DKR - Throttle reduction.

DKT - Throttle position signal.

DKV - Preset throttle position value.

DM-TL - Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage.

DME - Digital Motor Electronics.

DOHC - Double Over Head Camshafts.

Double VANOS - Steplessly variable intake and exhaust valve timing.

DRL - Daytime Running Lights.

DS - gasket set.

DSC - Dynamic Stability Control.

DSP - Digital Sound Processing.

DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code (SAE).

DTC - Dynamic Traction Control.

DWA - Theft deterrent system.

DWS - Tire pressure Warning System.

DZM - Revolution counter.



E-KAT - Electrically heated catalytic converter.

EBV - Electronic Brake force proportioning.

ECE - European market version.

ECM - Engine Control Module (SAE term).

ECO - Controller for I-Drive system.

ECU - Electronic Control Unit.

ED - European Delivery.

EDC - Electronic Dampening Control.

EDC-K - Electronic Dampening Control - Continuous.

EDK - Electronic throttle valve.

EDR - Electronic throttle control.

EDS - pressure regulator.

EFH - Electric window lifter.

EGS - Electronic transmission control.

EH - Electronic-Hydraulic.

EHC - Electronic Height Control.

EKM - Electronic body Module.

EKP - Electric fuel Pump.

ELV - Electronic steering lock.

EM - Electro-Mechanical.

EMF - Electro-Mechanical parking brake.

EML - Electronic Motor Load regulation.

EMV - Electro-Magnetic sensitivity.

EO - Component location.

EPC - Electronic Parts Catalog (also ETK).

EPROM - Erasable/ Programmable chip Memory.

ESS - Electronic anti-theft device.

ETK - Electronic parts catalog (also EPC).

ETM - Electrical Troubleshooting Manual.

EV - Injection Valve.

EWS - Electronic drive-away protection.

EZA - Same as ASC-EZA.



FB - Function description.

FBC - Fading Brake Control.

FBD - Remote control services.

FBZV - Radio frequency locking system.

FDRS - Fold Down Rear Seats.

FGR - Vehicle Speed Control (Cruise Control).

FH - Window lifter.

FHK - Rear Heater/ air conditioner.

FLC - Automatic Light Control.

FRU - Flat Rate Unit.

FS - Crash Sensor.

FTM - Flat Tire Monitor.

FZV - Central lock receiver.



GAL - Speed dependent sound volume.

GM - General Module.

GMR - Yaw moment control.

GPS - Global Positioning System.

GRII - Cruise control.

GRS - Rotation Rate Sensor.

GS - Belt Tensioner.

GWK - Torque converter lock-up control.



H2 - Xenon headlights.

HA - Rear Axle.

HC - Hydro Carbon.

HD - Heavy Duty.

HDC - Hill Decent Control.

HFM - Hot Film air mass Meter.

HG - Manual Gearbox (transmission).

HKL - Hydraulic trunk lid Lift.

HLM - Hot Wire Air Mass Meter.

HPS - Head Protection System.

HR - Heater control.

HU - Head Unit.

HUD - Heads Up Display.

HVA - Hydraulic Valve Adjuster.

HWS - Headlight Washer System.

Hz - Hertz (Cycle).



I-Bus - Information bus.

IB - Interior lighting control signal.

IHKA - Automatic Heating and A/C.

IHKAF - IHKA w/ micro filter.

IHKR - Regulated Heating and A/C.

IHKRF - IHKR w/ micro filter.

IHKS - Standard Heating and A/C.

IHPD - Internal High Pressure Deformation.

IHR - Integrated Heater control.

IKE - Instrument cluster Electronics.

ILH - Interior Lighting, rear.

ILV - Interior Lighting, front.

IMS - Instant Mobility System.

IR - Infrared.

IRS - Infrared Locking System.

ISC - Idle Speed Control.

ISIS - Intelligent Safety and Information System.

ISN - Individual Serial Number.

ISOFIX - Standardized mounts for child restraints.

ITS - Head airbag assembly/ Inflatable Tubular Structure.

IVM - Integrated power supply Module.


K-Bus - Body bus (Karosserie).

KAT - Catalytic converter.

KATON - Converter creating (signal).

KD - Kick-Down.

KHI - Interface for headphones.

KL - Terminal designation.

KL15 - Run bus (ignition switch run position).

KL30 - Battery bus (hot at all times).

KL31 - Ground bus (chassis ground).

KL50 - Start bus (ignition start position).

KLR - Accessory bus.

KO - Compressor ON signal.

KOMBI - Instrument cluster.

KOREL - Compressor relay signal.

KR - Contact Ring.

KSK - Knock Sensor.

KVA - Fuel consumption signal/value.

KW - Crankshaft.

KW - KiloWatt.



LCM - Lamp Check Module.

LDP - Leak Diagnosis Pump.

LEV - Low Emissions Vehicle.

LEW - Lateral acceleration sensor.

LHD - Left-Hand Drive.

LKM - Lamp control Module.

LL - Closed throttle.

LM - Light Module.

LMM - Air flow meter/sensor.

LMR - Light alloy wheel.

LRA - Vertical headlight aiming.

LSM - Steering column memory.

LSZ - Lamp Switching center.

LVA - Air supply system (for EHC system).

LVDS - Low Voltage Differential Signaling.

LWR - Vertical headlight aim control.

LWRT - Low Weight Reinforced Thermoplastics.

LWS-5 - Steering angle sensor.



M-Bus - IHKA/IHKR stepper motor bus.

MAL - Center armrest.

MBC - Maximum Brake Control.

MDK - Motorized throttle valve/system.

MFC - Multi-Function Controller.

MFL - Multi-Function steering wheel.

MFS - Multi-Function Steering Wheel.

MFU - Multi-Function Clock.

MID - Multi-Information Display.

MIL - Malfunction Indicator Lamp (SAE), "check engine".

MIR - Multi-Information Radio.

MMC - Multi-Media Changer.

MoDiC - Mobile Diagnostic Computer.

MOST-Bus - Media Oriented System Transport bus.

MRS - Multiple Restraint System.

MSR - Engine drag torque Regulation.

MV - Magnetic Valve (solenoid Valve).



n-ab - Rotational speed, transmission (rpm).

n-mot - Rotational speed, engine (rpm).

NAVI - Navigation module.

NG - New Generation (N73 engine).

NG - Tilt sensor.

NOX - Nitrogen Oxides/ exhaust gas recirculation.

NSD - Rear muffler.

NSL - Rear fog Lamp.

NSW - Fog lamp.

NTC - Negative Temperature Coefficient.

NW - Camshaft.



OBC - On-Board Computer.

OBD - On-Board Diagnosis.

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer.



P-Bus - Periphery bus.

P/N - Park/Neutral position.

PB - Pin assignments.

PBS - Parts Bulletin System (in TIS).

PCD - Performance Center Delivery.

PDC - Park Distance Control.

PDI - Pre-Delivery Inspection.

PGS - Passive Go System.

PM - Power Module.

PP - Impact Pad.

PTC - Positive Temperature Coefficient.

PuMA - Product and Measures Management in After sales.

PWG - Pedal position sensor/ potentiometer.



RA - Repair instructions.

RAL - Aluminum wheels.

RAL - Standard color.

RAM - Random Access Memory.

RDC - Tire pressure Control.

RDS - Radio Data-broadcast System.

RDW - Tire pressure Warning.

RFT - Run Flat Tires.

RHD - Right-Hand Drive.

RLS - Rain-Light Sensor.

RM - Relay Module.

ROZ - Research Octane rating/ fuel grade.

RPA - Tire puncture warning.

RPS - Rollover Protection System.

RS - Repair kit.

RSC - Run flat System Components.

RSW - Back-up lamp.

RXD - Wake-up Diagnosis line.

RZV - Direct stationary ignition.



SA - Sales Advisor or Service Advisor.

SASL - Satellite, A-pillar left.

SASR - Satellite, A-pillar right.

SAV - Sport ACTIVITY Vehicle.

SB - Fuse assignments.

SBE - Seat occupancy detector/sensor.

SBFH - Seat module, passenger-side rear.

SBK - Safety Battery Terminal Clamp (???).

SBSL - Satellite, B-pillar left.

SBSR - Satellite, B-pillar right.

SBT - SI techniques/ tech reference information (in TIS).

SCA - Soft Close Automatic/Actuator.

SD - Silencer/ muffler.

SD - Sliding roof.

SE - Special Equipment.

SES - Voice Recognition System.

SFAH - Seat module, driver's side rear.

SFZ - Satellite, vehicle center.

SG - Control unit.

SGS - Seat integrated belt System.

SHD - Sliding/ lifting roof.

SHD - Sunroof module (also SHDM).

SI - Service Information (in TIS).

SIA - Service Interval system (ver. I, II, III, IV, etc.).

SII - Service Interval Indicator.

SIL - SILicon.

SIM - Safety Information Module.

SINE - Siren/tilt sensor.

SKD - Steel sliding roof.

SKHD - Steel sliding/ lifting roof.

SM - Seat Module.

SM/SPM - Seat/Mirror Memory.

SMBF - Seat Module, passenger side.

SMFA - Seat Module, driver's side.

SMG - Sequential Manual Gearbox.

SP - Schematic.

SRA - Headlight/fog light cleaning.

SRS - Supplemental Restraint System.

SSD - Steel sliding roof.

SSH - Seat Satellite, rear seat.

ST - Connector views.

Steptronic - Transmission shift control.

STVL - Satellite, left front door.

STVR - Satellite, right front door.

SULEV - Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle (not coined by BMW).

SVS - Speech processing System.

SWR - Headlamp cleaning system.

SWZ - Special tool listings (in TIS).

SZL - Switch center, steering column.

SZM - Central switch center Module.



TAGE - Door handle Electronics.

TCM - Transmission Control Module.

TD - Engine speed signal (ignition pulse).

TD - Technical Data (in TIS).

TDD - Technical Documentation Disk.

TE - Fuel evaporation control.

TEL - TELephone control unit.

TEV - Evaporative purge control.

THZ - Tandem master cylinder.

ti - Injector ON Time (duration).

TIS - Technical Information System.

TL - Part throttle / load signal.

TLEV - Transitional Low Emission Vehicle.

TMBFT - Door Module, passenger side.

TMBFTH - Door Module, passenger side rear.

TMC - Traffic Message Channel.

TMFAT - Door Module, driver's side.

TMFATH - Door Module, driver's side rear.

TP - Tandem Pump.

TP - Traffic Program.

TPC - Tire Pressure Control.

TPM - Tire Pressure Monitor.

TPS - Throttle Position Switch/Sensor.

TR - Engine speed signal (rpm).

TR - TRansistor.

TRG - Fuel level sensor.

TRI - Technical Reference Information (also SBT).

TRS - Battery isolation Switch.

TSB - Technical Service Bulletin.

TSD - Torsional vibration dampener.

TSH - Door lock Heating.

TSZI - Transistorized coil Ignition system.

TU - Technical Update (as in M50tu).

TXD - Transmitting Diagnosis line.



U-batt - Battery voltage.

U-vers - Supply voltage.

UERSS - Rollover bar.

URS - Rollover protection System.

USIS - Ultrasonic passenger compartment Sensor.



V - Vorn (front).

V - Vehicle road speed.

VA - Front Axle.

VAC - Voice Activated Control.

VANOS - Variable camshaft timing.

VAT - Front axle support.

VDC - Vehicle Distribution Center.

VEP - Distributor-type injection Pump.

VID - VIDeo module.

VL - Full load (wide open throttle).

VPC - Vehicle Preparation Center.

VSD - Front muffler.

VVT - Valve tronic.



WBG - Hazard warning switch.

WIM - Wiper control Module.

WK - Torque converter lock-up clutch.

WSS - Wind Shield.

WT - Valve tronic control unit.



ZAB - Ignition fade-out (reduction).

ZAE - Central Airbag Electronics.

ZAS - Ignition starter switch.

ZCP - Competition Package (M3).

ZCW - Cold Weather Package.

ZGM - Central Gateway Module.

ZHP - Performance Package (Available on US-Market e46 330i/Ci/Cic Only).

ZK - Cylinder head.

ZKE - Central body Electronics.

ZKH - Cylinder head cover.

ZMS - Dual-Mass flywheel.

ZPP - Premium Package.

ZS - Central lock.

ZSD - Center muffler.

ZSP - Sport Package.

ZV - Central locking system.

ZVM - Central locking Module.

ZWD - Idle control valve



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